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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketov

The article discusses the concept of inclusive education in the context of integrating the context of teaching children with special educational needs. The authors analyze the philosophy, principles and goals of inclusive education, indicating its importance in modern society. Based on research and practical experience, the importance of creating an adaptive educational environment that provides students with special educational needs with opportunities for active participation in social life is emphasized. The differences between the philosophy of inclusion and integration are also discussed, emphasizing the need for special professional competence of teachers for effective teaching of these students. The study highlights the key aspects of interaction between teachers and students, and also puts forward proposals for creating an inclusive culture in educational institutions. The successful experience of the introduction of inclusive education in the USA, which has become part of the educational and social policy of the state, is considered. The authors analyze examples of inclusive education in the CIS countries, such as Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Analyzing the advantages and challenges of inclusive education, it is emphasized that cooperation is a key principle of inclusive education, contributing to the creation of a positive social atmosphere and avoiding isolation. The conclusions and recommendations for the further development of inclusive education and the creation of accessible and fair educational environment for all students are substantiated.

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How to Cite

Нурсейт А.Т., Бейсенбекова Г.Б., Карманова Ж.А., Манашова Г.Н., . 2023. APPLICATION OF THE SOCIO-PEDAGOGICAL APPROACH IN INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 2, 81 (Dec. 2023), 58–64. DOI: