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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2020
КазНПУ имени Абая

      The article deals with the relevance of the foreign language and professional training of CLIL teachers in Kazakhstan. On the basis of scientific sources, the analysis of the concepts CLIL, BICS, CALP, according to the definitions given by domestic and foreign authors was carried out. Currently, researchers are actively exchanging their views on the methods of forming foreign language professional competence and professional competence of CLIL specialists. The formation of the competence of a CLIL teacher is one of the main goals of multilingual education. As you know, today it is possible to further develop the quality of education through the effective use of the results of the teacher's professional activity. Since, a specialist is “tomorrow's competitive specialist in the labor market” who has received knowledge from a competent and professional teacher becomes a decisive force in the development of economy, technology, science, politics and society as a whole. Professional foreign language competence and professional competence are carried out only when the CLIL-teacher actively implements and develops his skills by attending courses and using them in practice.

     The importance and content of the language training module and the vocational training module that a CLIL teacher acquires at the end of the module are also considered in this article.


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How to Cite

Букабаева Б.Е., Кемелбекова З.А., Ержанова Г.А., . 2020. FORMING AND DEVELOPING CLIL-TEACHER’S COMPETENCES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 71, 3 (Oct. 2020), 38–45. DOI: