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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2020
ФГБОУ ВО "Омский государственный педагогический университет"

Numerous difficulties encountered in the work of a modern teacher reduce their desire to achieve results and approbation of innovative techniques, motivation to work in general. The increased relevance of pedagogical optimism in this regard contributed to the creation of technologies for its formation and development. The article examines the concept of pedagogical optimism and its structure, and also provides an overview of existing domestic methods for its formation among students, working teachers, and the rest of the population. The analysis of the concept, content and procedural characteristics, as well as methodological support of technologies for the formation and development of pedagogical optimism made it possible to evaluate them according to the criteria of manufacturability. The block diagram developed based on the analysis results clearly shows the trajectory of the possible choice of a particular technology, depending on the target audience.

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How to Cite

Лапина А.С., . 2020. ANALYSIS OF DEVELOPMENT TECHNOLOGIES PEDAGOGICAL OPTIMISM. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 71, 3 (Oct. 2020), 26–37. DOI: