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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2024
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article discusses the issue of developing IT skills in children of senior preschool age through STEAM technology. The characteristic features of generations “Z”, “Gen Alpha” and “Beta Dreamers” are analyzed. The main directions of the Concept for the development of preschool education in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023 - 2029, the National Report of the 1st Congress of Teachers “Quality education available to everyone” (2023), the global conference EdCrunch 2023 “Equal access to quality education for everyone” are considered. A characteristic is given of the development of the intellectual sphere of a preschooler. A review of the works of foreign teacher-researchers on the use of STEAM technology in the educational process of a preschool organization is made. According to STEAM technology, as defined by the authors, children learn to see the interconnection of current events, better begin to understand the principles of logic, and in the process of creating their own models discover something new and original. An integrated approach contributes to the development of their curiosity, initiative, and involvement in the educational process. The authors give a brief description and expected result of the educational modules of STEAM technology: the didactic system of F. Froebel; experiments with living and inanimate nature; LEGO construction; mathematical development; robotics; cartoon studio “I create the world”.

In order to determine the effectiveness of STEAM technology in the development of IT skills of children of senior preschool age, the authors developed a plan for the implementation of this technology in the educational process of a preschool organization, and proposed a system of activities with parents and students of the senior group.



How to Cite

Kyyakbaуeva U., Onlanbekkyzy G., Serzhanuly B. . 2024. DEVELOPMENT OF IT SKILLS OF SENIOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN THROUGH STEAM TECHNOLOGY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 81, 1 (Mar. 2024), 395–405. DOI: