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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2024
Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan

The article is devoted to one of the pressing problems of the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan, related to the preparation of special teachers at universities for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities in preschool and school education organizations. The authors analyzed the needs of preschool and school inclusive organizations for the training of special teachers to organize effective psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities. As a result of an organized survey and interview of the administration and teachers of preschool and school educational organizations, a state of insufficient satisfaction with the management of schools and kindergartens with the level of training of special teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of children with developmental disabilities in inclusive organizations was revealed. Based on the analysis and generalization of the results obtained during the study, the authors of this article made an attempt to classify the opinions of management staff and teachers on this issue and determine the basic requirements for the training of special teachers at the university. Conclusions have been drawn and recommendations have been developed for the training of future special teachers at universities for psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities.

The article was written within the framework of grant funding from the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic AR14870333 “Training of special teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive education.”



How to Cite

Duzelbayeva A.,Movkebayeva Z., Khamitova D. , . 2024. REQUIREMENTS TO SPECIAL TEACHERS FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL-PEDAGOGICAL SUPPORT OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 81, 1 (Mar. 2024), 228–240. DOI: