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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2024
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

At each stage, new areas of education appear, and in science those are formed that show their results with the requirements of the time. One of them is STEM technology. The STEM education system originated in the natural sciences and has entered all areas of science. One of them considered methods of teaching methods of teaching children of an adult group in preschool educational institutions. We reviewed researched work on the STEM concept and presented our findings. In the future, we will continue our extensive research work.

This article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the use of STEM technologies (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) in the educational process of preschool children. The STEM approach combines these four areas of knowledge, contributing to the development of key skills necessary for successful adaptation in the modern information society.

The article discusses the principles of introducing STEM into preschool education, highlights the main advantages of this technique. The emphasis is on stimulating creative thinking, developing logical thinking and developing problem-solving skills. The role of the teacher in the use of STEM technologies is highlighted, emphasizing his role in creating a stimulating educational environment.

The article includes an analysis of the practical experience of introducing STEM into preschool curricula and assesses the effectiveness of these changes based on research results. In conclusion, the importance of integrating the STEM approach into educational practice is emphasized, ensuring a deeper and more sustainable development of knowledge by preschool children, which contributes to their successful start in the world of education and future professional life.

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How to Cite

Манкеш А.Е., Ауезова А.А., Аманжолова Ә.Н., Шахизад М.Б., . 2024. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE USE OF STEM TECHNOLOGY IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2024), 361–371. DOI: