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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Technologies of augmented and virtual reality are investigated on the example of their use in education in education. The subject of the research is the study of known and previously developed methods of teaching with the help of AR and VR, advantages and disadvantages in terms of their use for educational purposes. The purpose of the work is to conduct an analytical literature review and analyze the known methods of using augmented and virtual reality, to present the most promising solutions in various tasks of science. The research materials used were the search method of scientific and popular scientific works in licensed Kazakhstan and foreign databases. The methods of teaching with the use of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are presented and virtual reality. Modern ways of teaching schoolchildren and students by means of augmented and virtual reality technologies are considered. Many of today's "innovative" manuals lack visual enhancements or interactive features that make learning for students a tedious, boring, and tedious endeavor. Interactive features, making it seem tedious, boring and tedious for students to learn. If the instructor is not able to make the material interesting, it becomes very difficult for students to concentrate on learning. To concentrate on learning: they do not absorb new information well or do not want to learn at all.

Virtual reality technology allows to make educational materials interesting and understandable for students, as well as to achieve full immersion of students. Students and full immersion in learning is achieved by reproducing three-dimensional virtual space virtual space. Also, much depends on the perception of the person: some people find it easier to perceive the text in the printed text, while others find it easier to perceive the media format. For them, VR-technology will make the learning process exciting and interesting.



How to Cite

Izmagambetova R., Karsybayeva R., Aitzhanova E., . 2023. AUGMENTED AND VIRTUAL REALITY TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: A NEW DIMENSION OF LEARNING. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 49–58. DOI: