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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

This article discusses the problem of students implementing projects as an innovative approach aimed at actively creating and studying projects through project and research activities in the process of teaching computer science programming at school. The technology of project and research activities is an effective method of teaching, which is actively being introduced into school computer science programs. This article examines the implementation of the technology of project and research activities in teaching computer programming at school and determines its importance in the formation of students' competencies. The main goal of the implementation of project and research activities in teaching programming is the development of students as independent thinkers and creative software developers. Examples of successful implementation of project and research activities in school computer science programming programs are given. The projects created by students and studies confirming the improvement of their skills and level of competence were analyzed. The pedagogical potential of project and research activity, its role in the development of students' skills of independent work, creativity and communication are considered. Special attention is paid to the interaction of students and teachers within the framework of project tasks. In conclusion, the study confirms the effectiveness of this approach, which contributes not only to the deep assimilation of educational material in computer science, but also to the formation of basic skills that are in demand in the modern information environment. In addition, it emphasizes the practical application of knowledge and motivates students to active and creative learning, which becomes a key element of their professional training. The results of this work can become an important practical resource for teachers who want to effectively implement project and research activities in the educational process in computer science at school.

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How to Cite

Абдиманапова Г.М., Жайдакбаева Л.К.,Алдешов С.Е., . 2023. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF PROJECT AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES IN TEACHING STUDENTS PROGRAMMING . BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 303–312. DOI: