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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2020
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

The article is devoted to the consideration of creativity as a field of knowledge in relation to the musical art
and education, the qualitative content of this concept (its significance, intensity, effectiveness and sustainability).
A historical analysis of the development of the term «creativity» is performed, and the ways of developing
creativity through somatic, mental and spiritual activity are considered. Some methods of stimulating creativity
used in the educational process are analyzed: the method of solving creative problems, the method of step-by-step
development of creativity, the method of original play, the method of the creative field. The author analyzes the
components of creativity in a musician's activity: motivational, intellectual, and personal. A three-pronged
approach to the structure of creativity is described, which includes characteristics of speed, characteristics of
energy, and characteristics of non-triviality and originality of actions. The author concretizes and differentiates the
concepts of «creativity» and «oeuvre» as universals in order to establish one's own position on the concept sphere
of creativity in music art and education.

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How to Cite

Кулданов Н.Т., Балагазова С.Т., Момбек А.А., . 2020. CONCEPTOSPHERE OF THE CONCEPT OF CREATIVITY IN MUSIC EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 68, 4 (Dec. 2020), 55–62. DOI: