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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The quality of education directly depends on the environment, including the educational environment in which children develop and how successful they are in the future. Therefore, in order to our future youth to have access to high-quality education, it is necessary to consider the educational environment, the conditions created for students, and the way students are cared for. In this context, it is important to choose the right reliable tools that will evaluate the educational environment of the school. One of these tools is the SACERS-Updated scale, which measures the environment of school-age children.

This article analyzes the possibilities of the SACERS-Updated scale, which helps to identify what barriers exist for students’ learning and development, by monitoring and assessing their environment. This scale can be used by school managers to assess the effectiveness and improve the quality of work, by teachers – for self-assessment, by employees of supervisory organizations-to control the quality of educational activities for extracurricular work programs. The reliability and validity of the scale are useful for studying and evaluating the work of educational organizations.

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How to Cite

Жундыбаева Т.Н., Алимкул А.М., Баймбетова Г.А. , . 2023. SACERS – UPDATED-ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT SCALE FOR SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 80, 4 (Dec. 2023), 345–355. DOI: