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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2024
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

The article summarizes and substantiates the effectiveness and main features of teaching the selection course "Global competence" in a modern secondary school, actual problems of educating students in accordance with modern processes.

Currently, with the conditions for the transition of developed countries of the world to a market economy, the implementation of transformations and effective methods in all sectors in accordance with modern requirements, the development of optimized and affordable innovative technologies, computerization of industrial sectors, and the reform of the education system in accordance with international standards are being established.

In accordance with the requirements of modern education, the purpose of certain subjects conducted in secondary schools is the widespread use of updated methods and Information Technologies, among the tasks are the improvement of students  knowledge, skills, business skills, and the development of important qualities.

In general, the formation of global competencies of the individual in the secondary education system is one of the most urgent and urgent problems. Along with the country's entry into a market economy, the problems of the competence of teachers and teachers in the field of education, the global competitiveness of students were reflected and formulated in the addresses and important regulatory documents dedicated to the future of the country. At the moment, although the selection course "Global competence" has been introduced in the general secondary education system, there are still enough theoretical and practical issues here.

To conclude, the author concludes that the course "Global competence"gives results in the currently purposefully organized educational process.



How to Cite

Baidaliyev D., Demchenko L., . 2024. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF TEACHING THE "GLOBAL COMPETENCE" COURSE AT SCHOOL. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2024), 270–280. DOI: