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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2023
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

The article considers the directions of the problem of improving the gnostic skills of the future social pedagogue in the process of media education. In the development of modern education, the main trend is the active use of media opportunities. Currently, one of the urgent problems in the process of media education is the improvement of the gnostic skills of the future social pedagogue, who is able to effectively organize pedagogical activity and evaluate its results in the conditions of transformation of the media and information space on the basis of a social order for the training of teaching staff and the modern education system. Modern society lives in a world of copper and digital technologies. The experience of training a social pedagogue reflects the patterns and level of development of the relationship between man and society in education. Consequently, media education is a kind of system from the point of view of criteria for evaluating the process of ensuring a person's social life. Modern problems of education require methodological substantiation of theoretical and practical research in pedagogy. In modern science, methodology is considered, first of all, as a set of ideological principles in their application in solving complex theoretical and practical problems: it is the ideological position of the researcher, at the same time it is knowledge of the methods of cognition, practical activity that substantiates the original principles and ways of their real application. The content of the high philosophical level of methodology constitutes the general principles of knowledge and the categorical system of science as a whole. Science-facts, phenomena, languages, methods; action-mastering knowledge, solving problems, conducting experiments, creative work; knowledge-definition, concepts, laws, theories. During the study of scientific and pedagogical literature, methodological approaches and positions, directions for improving the gnostic skills of a future social pedagogue in the process of media education were considered.The purpose of the research is to analyze and study domestic and foreign works on media education and digital issues, the use of media education and digital technologies in education, to determine the structural and content model and ways to improve the gnostic skills of the future social pedagogue in the process of media education. As a result, the composition of the educational tasks of the future social pedagogue, the possibilities of using technologies and the necessary skills were determined.

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How to Cite

Тавасаров М.А., Сейітқазы П.Б. , . 2023. WAYS TO IMPROVE THE GNOSTIC SKILLS OF A FUTURE SOCIAL PEDAGOGUE IN THE PROCESS OF MEDIA EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 79, 3 (Oct. 2023), 158–166. DOI: