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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2023
Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov

Research paper focuses on the viewpoints on the blended learning technology used in the system of American and European education during some period of time. The given work deals with the analysis of the nature of blended learning, its prospects and opportunities. Kazakhstan also seeks the ways to adopt best practices in the implementation of blended learning and offer its own vision of the possibilities of this method in the context of the domestic education. The purpose of this article is to regard the theoretical treatment of foreign experts about the nature, peculiarities and prospects of the blended learning on the whole. A plenty of the sources belong to American researchers representing the community of initiators of the blended learning and Russian experts as the implementers of this initiative in the context of the educational system modernization. The experts point to the system-forming nature of the blended learning and its direction to student-centered learning. In experts’ opinion, the blended learning development in the education system implies a qualitative transformation of the academic role of the teacher, methodological support and organization of the educational process as a whole. Experts think that the successful development of the blended learning depends mainly on the resource conditions of the learning environment resources, which should be provided with the appropriate digital infrastructure, content, IT staff, digital competencies of teachers and students. The results obtained indicate that there is a need for practical understanding of the theoretical foundations of the blended learning in relation to specific higher educational programs.




How to Cite

Kopzhassarova U., Zhetpisbayeva B., Izotova A. , . 2023. INTRODUCTION OF BLENDED LEARNING IN TEACHING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AT THE UNIVERSITY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 79, 3 (Oct. 2023), 16–24. DOI: