In this paper, the authors actualize the problem of the low quality of training of future teachers in the system of higher pedagogical education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They note the demand for society in the preparation of a universal, integrated teacher and the problematic nature of its formation within the walls of domestic pedagogical universities. The main reason is the contradiction between the continuing traditional (subject) training of future teachers, focused on narrow specialization and the required - creatively developing. This contradiction is considered by the authors as intrasystemic, without the resolution of which the system can be destroyed. Attention is focused on the formation of an integrative educational system in pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan, based on the creation of a single educational space in universities. In this regard, special attention in the work is paid to the importance of coordination (integrity) of actions between teachers of a pedagogical university who read various cycles of disciplines in it: general education (GED); basic (BD); profiling (PD). The importance of integrative and other approaches in improving the quality of professional training of future teachers, in the formation of their properties and qualities of an integrative nature is updated.
Integration approach as a strategic methodology in the development of higher pedagogical education
Published July 2023
How to Cite
Жампеисова К.К., Хан Н.Н., Колумбаева Ш.Ж.,Танатова А.Ж, . 2023. Integration approach as a strategic methodology in the development of higher pedagogical education . Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. series of Pedagogical Sciences. 78, 2 (Jul. 2023), 6–15. DOI: