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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published May 2021
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

In this article, the authors note that the readiness of teachers to work with children with
disabilities is an important condition for the successful implementation of inclusive education. The
article analyzes the theoretical concepts of the essence and structural components of teachers
'readiness for professional activity from the positions of various scientific approaches, and also
considers the specifics of the problem of teachers' psychological readiness to work in conditions of
educational inclusion.
The theoretical analysis of scientific papers allow us to identify the main aspects of the
problem of readiness for professional activity in psychology, to determine the specifics and
structure of the psychological readiness of teachers to work in conditions of inclusion, to identifyАбай атындағы 
main problems of its formation in the course of professional training at the present stage. As a
result, the authors came to the conclusion that the psychological and pedagogical training of future
teachers for inclusive education is a necessary prerequisite for the success of an effective
professional activity of a person in the modern world.

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How to Cite

Кажимова К.Р., Батырбаева Ж.Б., Туралбаева А.Т. , . 2021. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION OF FUTURE TEACHERS ISSUES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL READINESS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 69, 1 (May 2021), 82–91. DOI: