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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of international Relations and World Languages,Branch of a joint stock company “National Center for Enhancement qualifications "Orleu"” Institute of Advanced Training of teaching staff in the North Kazakhstan region

The article considers discursive competence (DC) as a component of intercultural and communicative
competence. Discourse is the fundamental concept of DC, and knowledge of the types and genres of
discourse is a necessary condition for its formation. Of interest to the authors of the article is a typology of
discourses, the creator of which is the Russian scientist V.I. Karasik. In this typology, along with other
discourses, pedagogical discourse (PD) is presented, which is of particular importance for research, since the
addressee in this work is students of pedagogical specialties of a language university. PD is considered as a
type of institutional discourse, and its components such as participants, chronotope, goals, values, strategies
and genres are analyzed. Communicative strategies of pedagogical discourse are studied from the perspective
of what genres they can be represented.
A questionnaire was conducted among third-year students in order to identify the most popular
pedagogical discourse genres in teaching. As a result, it was established that they are discussion, report,
debate, conversation. The discussion is considered in the framework of the PD, and the scenario of its
conduct is described with the aim of forming the discursive competence of students

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How to Cite

С.М. Медведева, А.К. Артыкбаева, О.М. Медведева, . 2020. TRAINING DISCUSSION WITH THE AIM OF FORMING STUDENTS’ DISCOURSE COMPETENCE. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 229–239. DOI: