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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


The article presents a methodological system for the formation of the skills of younger schoolchildren to use dictionaries. Theoretical analyses as a system structure are characterized by a goal, a sequence of tasks, an integral structure, unity of elements, constructive ideas-methods, a principle, a set of processes, a single phenomenon and a connection of means. The components that make up the methodological system and its functions are reported. On the part of the authors, it is clarified that "the methodological system for the formation of the skills of younger schoolchildren to use dictionaries is a hierarchical set of integral components of planning and conducting the educational process (content, methods, form and means, forms) aimed at improving the effectiveness of learning in mastering the content of primary education." The goals and objectives of the methodological system for the formation of the skills of primary school students to use dictionaries are set, a model of a primary school student with a developed vocabulary is given through the formation of the skills to use dictionaries in the process of solving them. The program of textbooks «Alippe», «Ana tili» for the 1st grade is analyzed.

According to the empirical section «What do you do if you don't understand the meaning of words?», a constant experiment was conducted and its comparative analyses were carried out. For the formation of students' skills to use linguistic dictionaries at the stage of formation, the improvement of the professional competence of primary school teachers is based and attention is focused on the lexicographic competence of the teacher. In this regard, the article has prepared and presented the program and the educational and thematic plan of the 16-hour educational and methodological seminar «Formation of skills of primary school students to use linguistic dictionaries».



How to Cite

Садуакас Г.Т., Омарова Г.Ж., Абдыкадыров А.О., . 2023. METHODS FOR THE FORMATION OF SKILLS IN USING DICTIONARIES BY PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS : . BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 238–248. DOI: