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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej

This paper is devoted to the specific features of training chemistry teachers in the context of inclusive education. Notably, the purpose of this training is to master the relevant methodological, subject and pedagogical information, knowledge and skills in correctional pedagogy and psychology. The components of the readiness of future teachers in the context of inclusive education are determined and groups of professional tasks that reflect their professional awareness are formulated. The relevance of the subject matter is conditioned by the fact that the process of inclusive education of disabled children has been developing in general education schools in recent years. An inclusive approach requires the reform of the entire education system, which should apply new approaches to learning to meet the educational needs of these children. There are many problems on the way of this process, due to its insufficient provision with psychological, pedagogical, social, material and other conditions. One of the main problems is the training of teachers at the stage of teaching in a secondary school. The purpose of this study is the theoretical substantiation of the structural and functional model of training students (future chemistry teachers) for the implementation of inclusive education for children with learning disabilities. For this purpose, the following methods were used: analysis of theoretical sources, discussion, and pedagogical modelling. A theoretical model has been developed, which is a didactic system that ensures the establishment of professional and personal readiness of the future teacher in the implementation of inclusive education in three sectors: theoretical, practical, and individual readiness.



How to Cite

Głodkowska J., Shatayeva A., Batayev D. , . 2023. The FEATURES OF TRAINING FUTURE CHEMISTRY TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 140–151. DOI: