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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2020
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

This article considers the problem of the formation of the research culture of future specialists.
Particular attention is paid to the principles of organization of research work at a university. In modern
conditions of the development of science and technology, changes in the style of thinking, priority sources of
perception of information of future specialists, it is necessary to develop new, effective methods of training,
the result of which will be the formation of an effective specialist that is in demand by a potential employer.
Thus, the process of forming the research culture of future specialists in accordance with the culturological
approach is the main system-forming factor in the formation of personality, and the joint scientific work of
the student and teacher should become an effective tool. The research culture of future specialists is a
system-forming basic component of a personality culture, an intermediate link between a person and his
purposeful activity. It is an integrative, dynamic quality of personality, characterized by a value attitude to
research, an unsaturated need for search activity, a combination of methodological, philosophical, general
subjective, reflective knowledge and research skills, and a high potential for research abilities.

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How to Cite

Г. К. Шолпанқұлова, А. А. Жалгасова, . 2020. PRINCIPLES FOR FORMING RESEARCH CULTURE OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS: culture, research. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 1, 64 (Mar. 2020), 78–83. DOI: