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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Қазақ Ұлттық Қыздар педагогикалық университет

The article is devoted to the issues of training future music teachers in an inclusive educational process. The authors present conceptual approaches to the education of children with special educational needs, the ideas of integrated learning and indicate the ways of their implementation in practice. The activities of a future music teacher related to teaching children with special educational needs require a number of special skills and knowledge in a wide range of scientific disciplines. The basic principles of inclusive education and the conditions for their successful implementation have been clarified. The prospects for inclusive education, which open music lessons, are outlined and the necessary measures are outlined for the formation of professional inclusive competence of future music teachers. The need to train future music teachers in an inclusive educational process is due to the general need for education in intellectually developed, creatively thinking teachers who are able to influence the spiritual renewal of society, the development of human potential, the maintenance of cultural traditions, the preparation of tolerant, high moral and aesthetic ideals of the younger generation.

Keywords: inclusive environment, students with special educational needs, musical art, training of teachers.


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How to Cite

Ибраева К.Е., Махметова Б.Т., Уразалиева М.А., Бейсембаева А.А., . 2023. ISSUES OF TRAINING OF MUSIC TEACHERS IN AN INCLUSIVE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 188–198. DOI: