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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2023
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

. Akhmetova A., Beysembaeva G.,Bulatbayeva K.

докторант 2 курса кафедры иностранной филологии


This article details research on media literacy and media education as it relates to secondary education in Kazakhstani public schools. It examines the relevant Kazakhstani media situation through international research to better understand how teaching and learning practices can support students' media literacy in elementary and secondary schools. The article also aims to find solutions to problems related to the spread of misinformation and falsified news. The research methods are based on quantitative online survey data as well as qualitative interview data. 96 students participated in the online survey and 42 students participated in interviews. The survey was conducted among students at the Municipal state Institution “Predgornenskaya Secondary School No. 1” of the Education Department of the Glubokovsky district in the spring of 2022. The primary audience for this study is local, regional, national policymakers with the power to effect large-scale and systematic changes in media education policy and practice. This article describes how media literacy can be incorporated into school curricula and provides a brief overview of the extent to which media literacy is addressed in school curricula.  The process by which users arrive at a site is an important component of how they evaluate a media resource. In particular, the search engine, external design, play an important role in finding and evaluating information on the Internet. Our understanding and approach to media literacy is largely based on research in middle school classrooms. Media literacy teaching and learning practices can be based on a variety of methods, most of which are based on active learning.

This article has been prepared within the framework of the scientific and technical program “Scientific basis for modernization of the education system and science” (OR 11465474), implemented by the National Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin (Kazakhstan).



How to Cite

Akhmetova A., Beysembaeva G.,Bulatbayeva K., . 2023. PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE MEDIA LITERACY IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 79, 3 (Oct. 2023), 298–310. DOI: