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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Creativity is a creative ability that goes beyond the established common traditional ways, ready to generate unusual ideas and solve problems. Creativity is a manifestation of independent factors of giftedness. Creative thinking is based on new discoveries in the field of education and science. It breaks stereotypes, integrates the incompatible, relies on algorithms and on this basis creates something completely new or strives to solve unsolvable problems. Creativity can be called the technology of organizing the creative process.

This article suggests ways of forming students' creative thinking skills and a number of factors influencing it. It is possible to increase the ability of students to creative thinking by analyzing and researching factors that influence the formation of creative thinking skills. The results of research by foreign scientists on the formation of creative thinking, the level and quality of functional literacy of students are analyzed, specific factors are identified, and a conclusion is given. The purpose of this scientific article: the formation of students' creative thinking skills, based on the review, analysis of research papers studied within the level of creative thinking and specific factors affecting it, to draw a conclusion.

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How to Cite

Куспанова А.К.,Саванчиева А.С., Сабденалиева Г.М. , . 2023. WAYS AND FACTORS OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ CREATIVE THINKING SKILLS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 199–206. DOI: