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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages

The article deals with the application of analytical and situational technologies in the process of foreign language teaching to future foreign language teachers, the relevance of which is due to world global changes. The authors pay attention to the fact that the ability to analyze situations, the choice and development of which are focused on solving issues of students’ future professional activity, contributes to the formation of their language, linguistic, communicative and professional competencies. The conceptual foundations of analytical and situational technologies are outlined, also the goals and content are highlighted. Their implementation based on various methods contributes to the improvement of analytical thinking. The article gives examples of situations on which teamwork is carried out. Discussions develop the ability to find a common solution due to the correct and accurate argumentation of certain provisions of the issue being sought. To work with cases, the authors recommend using authentic texts of different speech styles, audio and video materials from various sources. Separately describes situational games, their importance in "immersion in the role", in the acquisition of professional skills.

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How to Cite

Утегалиева Б. Б., Жумабекова Г.Б., Ускенбаева С.Т., . 2023. ANALYTICAL AND SITUATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES TEACHING. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 120–132. DOI: