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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published November 2022
Abai KazNPU

. Khalikova К., Idrissov S., Tulbassova B.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of the Department of Informatics and IE, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


The problems of the development of digital competence of teachers are considered in the article. The relevance of this study in the regulatory documents adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed, and also the analysis of the development of digital competence of teachers in the studies of foreign and domestic scientists is given. A retrospective analysis of the concept from computer literacy to digital competencies is interpreted, the concepts of digital literacy, digital competence and digital skills are clarified, and the component composition of digital literacy and digital competence is determined. It is noted that the solution to this problem is the implementation of a planned system of rehabilitation for teachers. The program of the advanced training course should cover not only the possibilities of digital resources but also teaching technologies. As a teaching technology, the pedagogical design of training sessions was chosen. The goal of pedagogical design, the main components of educational goals and types of models for implementing pedagogical design are given.

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How to Cite

Халикова К.З., Идрисов С.Н., Тульбасова Б.К., . 2022. PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPING THE DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 75, 3 (Nov. 2022), 149–156. DOI: