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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences

The impact of using the quest technologies on students' cognitive activity

Published February 2023
M.Utemisov West Kazakhstan University

In the development of modern education, one of the main tasks is to solve the problem of personality-oriented education. Teacher should be focus on activation of cognitive, search and research student’s activity. This requires the introduction of new training forms, methods and technologies. Such as quest is one of the new learning technologies, that changes the usual stereotypes of lesson.

The purpose of the study is to conduct activities using various types of quest and study their the impact of quest technologies on students’ cognitive activity. The effectiveness of quest technologies was determined by external and internal indicators of students’ cognitive activity. In the experimental groups were carried out using various types of quest.

The results of the study showed a tendency to increase the external and internal indicators of students’ cognitive activity in experimental groups. In control group the number of students who showed a high level of cognitive activity remained unchanged but in experimental group increased to 48.1%; number of students with an average level of cognitive activity in control group increased to 9%. In experimental group student’s number remained unchanged. As number with a low level of cognitive activity decreased in control group to 6% while in the experimental group – up to 13%.

In addition, the use of quest technologies has formed competencies such as the ability to work in a team, make joint decisions, effectively use information and communication technologies. The results of the experimental work showed that use of quest technologies has particular importance in formation of students’ cognitive activity. At the same time, students develop an interest of subject studying. Recommendations for conducting lessons using the quest method are given.

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How to Cite

Альжанова Б.С., Бисенгазиева А.С., Ихласова Ж.М., Өтегенова А.А, . 2023. The impact of using the quest technologies on students’ cognitive activity. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 76, 4 (Feb. 2023), 239–250. DOI: