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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Identification and training of gifted students is one of the modern society tasks. For this purpose, events and competitions of various kinds and levels are held. Among them, a special place is occupied by Olympiads with a multi-stage structure in school subjects, including geography. The peculiarity of the geographical Olympiads is the identification of a common geographical culture, geographical thinking, value orientations, giftedness through a system of creative tasks that go beyond the school curriculum, taking into account the basic level of knowledge, skills, experience of creative and emotional and value-based activities. As practice shows, Geography Olympiads have their own characteristics of preparation. Training should have both theoretical and practical components. The tasks of the Olympiads should be exciting, but at the same time, their content should be based on classical scientific concepts and, if possible, take into account the latest achievements in geographical science. The study analyzes the Olympiad tasks in geography and the methodology for preparing students for olympiads in geography.

The purpose of the article: to present modern technologies for preparing students for olympiads in geography and to analyze the olympiad tasks.

Key words: Olympiad, geographical Olympiad, jobs Olympics, education geography, gifted students.

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How to Cite

Аубакирова Г.Б.,Калимурзина А.М., Нюсупова Г.Н., . 2022. MODERN TECHNOLOGIES FOR PREPARING STUDENTS FOR OLYMPIADS IN GEOGRAPHY. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 74, 2 (Jun. 2022), 293–301. DOI: