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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

The article describes the method of visualization, which is increasingly used in the course of modern education. How visual aids first appeared, starting from the first rules of their use,modern visual aids, the system of their application and the works of the studied scientists were considered and studied.

Also in our study, we linked visual clarity with the sensory development of students, and focused on how they affect the sensory organs of students. The main goal was to develop the sensory abilities of students to use these visual aids. Not only in special classes, but also in daily classes. A person remembers what he sees better than he hears. Therefore, for students who are just getting acquainted with the new world, visibility is an indispensable help. Basically, during the lesson, it is useful not to repeat a simple word, but to show its color. We studied the visual effects, thinking that it would be interesting for schoolchildren as well. As the basis for our research, we took the intelligence map, which is already used abroad.

The purpose of using visual aids, how to use them correctly, and their effectiveness were considered. The solution of questions on how to use visual clarity correctly and effectively during the lesson was shown

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How to Cite

Рахмет У.Р., Шалабаева Ж.С., Омар А.И. , . 2022. VISIBILITY AS A MEANS OF DEVELOPING CHILDREN’S SENSORY ABILITIES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 3, 74 (Jun. 2022), 285–293. DOI: