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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2022
Moscow Pedagogical State University

This article discusses the practical application of content-language integrated learning in the development of functional reading skills of high school students in an English lesson. As experience in preparing students for international exams shows, reading skill, along with other skills, is one of the labor-intensive stages of the educational process. Students do not always realize the complexity of the tasks that need to be performed in reading voluminous texts. Working on a text in order to search for information to solve a specific problem or perform a specific task in a foreign language determines the development of students’ functional reading skills. The materials provided as reading in English cover different areas of study in the school. Consequently, the successful organization of work and the preparation of tasks for reading with non-linguistic subject knowledge demonstrate that today a promising precondition for the development of functional reading is integrated learning materials written in the target language and provided as social texts about Kazakhstan. Such texts are associated with the initial representation of the situations that students face when solving communicative, organizational and informational tasks.



How to Cite

Makhmudov G., Zholdasbekova S., Dmitriyev Yu., . 2022. CONTENT-LANGUAGE INTEGRATED LEARNING IN LEARNERS’ FUNCTIONAL READING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 3, 74 (Jun. 2022), 272–284. DOI: