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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2022
Karaganda University of the name of academician E. A. Buketov

The article considers the relevance of the problems of creating and organizing a subject-spatial developing environment in a preschool educational organization. This is due to the fact that secondary school is an important factor in the development of children. Preschool organizations with a certain educational environment can form a personality characterized by a creative approach to solving life and professional problems, possessing such qualities as activity, independence, initiative, ability to communicate, interact with other people. And such a person easily adapts to the rapidly changing conditions of modern society. The subject-spatial environment of a preschool organization for the formation of a personality must meet the requirements of the state educational standard. The relevance of the article is due to the identification of the influence of the subject-spatial developing environment on the overall development of preschoolers and the identification of difficulties faced by preschool educators in its organization, the presence of a contradiction between the recognition of the importance of the development of preschoolers in the context of the subject-spatial developing environment of preschool and the insufficient development of methodological recommendations for the organization of the environment. The subject-spatial environment provides various types of preschool child's activities, lays the foundations for his individual active activity. The main activity of the child is the game, which plays a leading role. A special place in the organization of play activities, in the formation of the creative.

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How to Cite

Асылбек А.М.,Бельгибаева Г.К.,Кошкумбаев К.Т. , . 2022. THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CREATING A SUBJECT-SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT IN A PRESCHOOL ORGANIZATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 233–244. DOI: