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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2022
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

This article is devoted to the topic of training future social educators in the context of social partnership. The relevance of the study is characterized by the need to consider social partnership as one of the leading social institutions in relation to significant changes in modern higher education, integrated with all social spheres, including politics, economics, culture, healthcare, public organizations and other structures. The purpose of the study of this article is a comprehensive analysis of the technology to support the training of future social teachers in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of social partnership.The main aspects of training future social teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan are analyzed and summarized. The concept of social partnership, as a kind of joint activity of an educational institution and other social institutions, is comprehensively considered. Social partnership in vocational education ensures the achievement of common mutually beneficial goals of the subjects of social partnership, the effective use of the potential of partners (authorities, enterprises, teachers, etc.), increases the efficiency of solving problems of regional labor markets. The forms and methods of implementation are shown, the potential of social partnership in the field of modern education is shown. The most inherent educational tendencies in the training of social teachers are revealed.The practical significance of the study is that the methodological substantiations of the technology for accompanying the training of future social teachers in the context of social partnership provided in the scientific article can be applied in higher educational institutions, as well as used in the preparation of an educational program in the direction of "Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge".

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How to Cite

Садыкова А.Қ.,Шолпанкулова Г.К.,Джейн Мк Элдоуни Дженсен, . 2022. TECHNOLOGY TO ACCOMPANY THE TRAINING OF FUTURE SOCIAL TEACHERS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIAL PARTNERSHIP. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 132–141. DOI: