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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2021

The problem of digital transformation of educationare considered in the article. The relevance of this
study in the normative documents which adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstanand the experience of digital
transformation of education in the whole world and in our countryare analyzedThe basic ideas of the concept
of digital university, their purpose and principle of work are given, the explanation of digital transformation
of education is considered. There are given basic terms of digital transformation of education, such as "skills
of the XXI century", competence, digital literacy, foot print, pedagogical design. The terms information and
communication technologies and digital technologies are considered and the difference between these terms
is described with example. It is noted that one of the main requirements for the training of specialists in the
conditions of digital economy is the quality of the specialist, as the ability to work in a team of project work
and the basis of the project work is given. Lack of analysis of digital footprint analysis and determination of
the competence of students are analyzed

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How to Cite

К.З. Халикова, . 2021. RELEVANT PROBLEMS OF DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 67, 3 (Jun. 2021), 41–49. DOI: