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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published April 2023
Kazakh National Academy of Choreography

The authors consider the conceptual foundations of the modern educational process in the context of the development of national choreographic art and choreographic pedagogy. The development of the socio-cultural vector and the enrichment of national art through the revival of traditions and spiritual values have identified priority areas in modern Kazakhstani society. Today, spiritual and traditional culture, education and art are the key tools for shaping the consciousness of a person and the younger generation. The study is based on the consideration of the pedagogical component of training in Kazakh dance and national choreography. The authors consider methodological issues and teaching technologies, professional competencies of Kazakh dance teachers, and also summarize the pedagogical experience in training personnel in educational institutions of Kazakhstan. On the basis of the study, as well as performing and pedagogical experience, the investigative significance and importance of training personnel with indicators of national dance on the professional stage, choreographic groups and regions have been established. In order to cognize art in the system of the educational process and scientifically substantiate its methodology, today in the professional environment, questions about the need to refer to pedagogical theory and practice are increasingly being discussed. Thus, judgments of different depths complement and deepen the idea of two realities - pedagogy and art, which the authors see in the unity of these concepts as "pedagogy of choreographic art" and "choreographic pedagogy", which, in principle, is the main task of developing scientific thought in the field of choreographic art.

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How to Cite

Кульбекова А.К., Мурзагулова А.М., Ізім Т.О., Бакирова С.А., Кайыр Ж.У., . 2023. TRAINING OF PERSONNEL IN KAZAKH DANCE: LEARNING CONCEPT. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 77, 1 (Apr. 2023), 57–70. DOI: