Publication ethics
Terms of publication
Articles are accepted for publication in the journal "Khabarshi/Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series of Pedagogical Sciences" that are not previously published by the author(s) in Russian, Kazakh or English, which correspond to the thematic areas of the journal and are drawn up strictly according to the requirements of the article format.
The scientific article manuscript shall be submitted to the editorial board of the journal by the corresponding author (determined from the manuscript’s composite authors in the presence of 2 or more co-authors) until the 10th day of the last month of the quarter. Articles containing at least 3000 words and no more than 8000 words are accepted for publication in the journal.
The manuscript must be uploaded via the electronic platform by the corresponding author, indicating all the article’s data and its authors.
The authors are responsible for the reliability, novelty, and evidence of the research results. At the stage of consideration of the manuscript by the editorial board and reviewers of journal "Khabarshi/Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series of Pedagogical Sciences", as well as after its publication, the authors shall undertake not to submit this manuscript for consideration for publication in another publishing house.
At the stages of working with a manuscript, communication between the editorial board, the corresponding author and reviewers is carried out via the online platform, in exceptional cases – via e-mail
The editorial board of the journal considers the manuscripts submitted by the author / authors, organizes their peer review and decides on publication or refusal to publish within three weeks from the date of receipt of the manuscript via the electronic platform.
Plagiarism and borrowing
When reviewing the manuscript for compliance with formal requirements (manuscript design), the editorial board of the scientific journal also checks for the presence of borrowed text in the manuscript through a plagiarism check system.
Only original articles with is 70 % or more originality according to the anti-plagiarism system are submitted for further review. If a manuscript does not meet the design requirements of the journal and is not an original work based on the results of the plagiarism check, the manuscript is returned to the corresponding author for making the appropriate changes and re-submission of the manuscript for review by the editorial board through the electronic platform of the journal.
If the authors, when writing the article, used works of other researchers, they must necessarily refer to the works of those scientists and correctly present the cited text.
In the case of violations of the principles, standards and norms of scientific ethics adopted by the international community, the editorial board of the journal shall undertake to act in accordance with the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The authorship of the manuscript belongs to those researchers who participated directly in the creation of the manuscript, in the formation of the idea, in the writing of the article, in the interpretation of the results and made a significant contribution to obtaining scientific results.
The authors retain the rights to their manuscripts, while allowing everyone to freely download, reuse, reprint, change, distribute or copy them, with the obligatory acknowledgment of the authorship of this work and a reference to a unique publication in this journal. Permission from the authors or publisher is not required for all these actions, when specifying a link to the journal. Permission from the authors or publisher is not required for all these actions, when specifying a link to the journal.
The authors reserve the right to distribute their article in other sources with the obligatory reference to its original publication in this journal.
Disclosure Policy and Conflicts of Interest
Editors and reviewers cannot use unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts for personal research without the written consent of the Author.
Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with possible benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts if there are conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other interactions and relationships with any of the Authors, companies, or other organizations associated with the submitted work.
Confidentiality terms
The members of the editorial board of the journal "Khabarshi/Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series of Pedagogical Sciences" shall not disclose information about the manuscript accepted for consideration before its publication to third parties, except for the appointed reviewers. Moreover, the editorial board shall not disclose information about reviewers to authors and others.
These and other norms of conduct for participants in the publication process, namely the principles, norms, and standards of conduct for authors, members of the editorial board, publisher, and reviewers, are based on the publication ethics accepted by the international community.
The order of correction and revision of articles
- If the review of the article contains a conclusion about the need to correct it, the article is sent to the author for revision. If the review contains recommendations for correcting and finalizing the article, the executive secretary sends the author the text of the review with a proposal to take them into account when preparing a new version of the article or to refute them (partially or completely).
- The article modified (revised) by the author is re-sent for review and is considered in the general order.
- An article that is not recommended for publication by the reviewer is not accepted for re-consideration.
- In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to apply to the editorial office with a reasoned request to send his manuscript for review to another reviewer with the relevant arguments in the appeal. In this case, the editorial board sends the manuscript for re-review, or provides the author with a reasoned refusal
Order of Articles Retraction
- This procedure is based on “Procedure of Articles Retraction” (ASEP, Russia) and describes the procedure of eliminating infringements in scientific articles published in the journal..
- Text withdrawal from publication (retraction) is a mechanism of published scientific information correction and readers warning that the publication contains serious shortcomings, fallacious data, which can’t be trusted, about the cases of duplicate publications (when authors present one and the same data in several publications), plagiarism and conflict of interests concealment that could influence data interpretation or recommendations on their use.
- Grounds for articles retraction:
- detection of plagiarism in a publication;
- an article duplication in several editions;
- disclosure of falsification or fabrication in a work (e.g. experimental data manipulation);
- revealing serious mistakes in a publication (e.g. false interpretation of results) that casts doubt on its scientific importance;
- incorrect authors composition (he who is worthy of being an author is absent; persons not meeting the criteria of authorship are included);
- conflict of interests is concealed (and other violations of publication ethics);
- an article republication without the author’s consent.
- The Publishers carry out retraction by official address of the author / group of authors of an article, who have justified the reason of their decision, and also by the decision of the journal editorial staff on the basis of their own examination or received information.
- The editorial staff inform the author (the author correspondent in case of collective authorship) about an article retraction and substantiate its reasons without fail.
- An article and its description remain on the Internet site of the journal in the corresponding issue, but the inscription RETRACTED and retraction date are stamped on the text electronic version, the same mark is put by the article in the issue table of contents. Retraction reason is stated in the commentary on the article (in case of plagiarism detection – with borrowing sources indication). There is no mechanical removal of the article from the electronic version of the journal and its archive, the texts of retracted articles remain in their place with the corresponding mark.
- Open access fee for retracted articles is not reimbursed.
Responsibilities of the Editorial Board members
- provides direct management and organization of the Journal's work;
- coordinates the issues of the journal's publishing activities;
- approves the artistic and technical design of the Magazine;
- makes suggestions on improving the Journal's activities, improving the efficiency of its work;
- provides material and technical equipment and creates optimal conditions for high-performance, high-quality work of the magazine;
- monitors the compliance of the Journal's employees with the CECFES standards, the charter and regulations of the University, including Internal Regulations, labor protection and safety regulations, and fire safety;
- decides on the rejection or approval of the publication of articles;
- resolves disagreements between editors and authors;
- signs the publication for production, printing, and publication.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
- directly organizes the activities of the Magazine;
- in accordance with the orders of the editor-in-chief, coordinate and coordinate the issues of the Journal's publishing activities, monitor compliance with the established deadlines for the submission of printed materials, their submission to the set, processing of proofreading prints and publication of the journal, and monitor the scientific content of the journal ;
- reviews manuscripts of articles and reviews of them;
- reviews accepted manuscripts for publication, while providing the authors with the necessary assistance, and coordinates recommended changes with them;
- checks the authors 'compliance with the reviewers' comments and requirements for the manuscripts during their revision, the completeness of the submitted material, and the correspondence of the manuscript titles to their content;
- prepares materials for the conclusion of contracts with external reviewers, coordinates the work on the external and internal review of articles;
- advises the authors of scientific articles, structural divisions on the publishing activities of the Journal;
- participates in solving issues related to the artistic and technical design of the Magazine;
- in the absence of the editor-in-chief, performs his official duties.
Executive Secretary:
- organizes and controls the work on planning, timely and high-quality preparation of materials for printing;
- selects materials for the Journal, monitors the implementation of the publication receipt schedule;
- reviews accepted manuscripts for publication, while providing the authors with the necessary assistance (to improve the structure, choose terms, design illustrations, etc.), agrees with them on the recommended changes;
- checks the authors 'compliance with the reviewers' comments and requirements for the manuscripts during their revision, the completeness of the submitted material, and the correspondence of the manuscript titles to their content;
- checks the correct spelling of the cited citations and numerical data, the use and spelling of names, terms, units of measurement, and the compliance of the cited symbols with the designations established by the standards or accepted requirements of the Journal;
- performs other duties provided for in the job description.