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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences

Guide for Authors

The article must be sent to the editorial office using the  website of the journal

    Total length of an article not including information about the authors must be: minimum length 3000 words; maximum length 8,000 words. The minimum/maximum length of the article in sheets A4 is irrelevant, focusing only on the number of words in the article.

               Publication languages: Kazakh, Russian, English

UNDERGRADUATES' ARTICLES ARE NOT ACCEPTED FOR CONSIDERATION Please note that the maximum number of articles in a journal issue from one author is 1. In a year, 1 author can be published no more than 2 times Maximum length of the article allows up to 5 co-authors.      All articles are checked for plagiarism in the  Антиплагиат system, the threshold is 85 per cent, with at least 75 per cent of the original text. The author/authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information in the article. Increasing the originality of the text through technical and other unfair methods entails deleting the publication. Articles are subject to blind review.Date of submission of article: 1 quarter - 1 February; 2 quarter - 1 May; 3 quarter - 1 September; 4 quarter - 1 November.The style of scientific citation design is Chicago style: (Author, year) or (Author, year, page). The cost of publication in the journal according to the approved price list for all authors is 22,000 (twenty–two thousand) tenge, registration of DOI – 2000, registration of authors in the Crossref database - 6000. Total – 30,000 t.     The journal provides "Jubilee of a scientist" section (with a color photograph) - the cost of 1 page is 10,000 tenge.      Payment for articles is made after getting a positive review of the editorial office at any branch of the bank "Bank Center Credit", and requisites will be send to authors email address. Articles and requests for publication are accepted at: Copies of / scans of payment orders are accepted at the same address, proof of payment.      Claims for payment without confirmation of acceptance for publication are not considered. Late paid articles, if accepted for publication, are automatically transferred to the next issue.  Distribution of the magazine to authors in Kazakhstan - from 800-1200 tenge (if necessary). In the countries of near and far abroad, the tariff is individual tariff.

  REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SUBMITION OF AN ARTICLE        Article provided in Word 2003-2007 format. Format of article - A4, font «Times New Roman», font size of the main text - 12 pt, drawings, diagrams - 10 pt, line spacing - single; indent of the first line of paragraph - 0.5 cm.; all fields - 2 cm;      Text in hard-to-read fonts, graphics, diagrams, pictures, etc. is scanned and inserted into the article in the form of an image with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. 

Mandatory structural elements of the article:

1.      The IRSTI index (inter-state heading of scientific and technical information) and the UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) are placed at the top left of the article in bold type, in the language of the article; 2.       Authors’ name, place of work (study), city, country in the center (lowercase letters in italics); 

3.     Paste ID Orcid

4. The title of the article (7-10 words), in capital letters, in the center (in the language of the article);

5.  Annotation not less than 100 and no more than 300 words, keywords /phrase (not less than 5/10) for subject matter (in the language of the article);                                                                                               

6.      Further paragraphs 2,3,4 in Kazakh/Russian and English.

7.      The text of the article should be consistent with the structure of IMRAD:

•  Main provisions (contains 3-5 paragraphs briefly reflecting the main ideas and results of the study)

Introduction (relevance,literature review , purpose and significance of the study)

Materials and methods (description of the methods, techniques, materials used, research methodology).

Results (results of the work done, tables, graphs, illustrations and links to datasets).

Discussion (interpretation and explanation of the data obtained as a result of the study, comparison of the results with the experience of other scientists). (The results and their discussion are the main section of the article. Can be given together.)

Conclusion/ Conclusions (contains brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the wording given in them )

Acknowledgements (The author expresses: gratitude to colleagues for their help, gratitude for financial support of the study in italics, deviation from the conclusion 1.5)

8.      The list of used literature is made after the text in accordance with GOST 7.1:2003 (see Model 1) and must include at least 10 and no more than 20 sources, including mandatory references to publications indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus). Self-citation of no more than 1-2 sources. Automatic numbering of a list of literature is not allowed. References to the relevant sources are given in the text as mentioned, in square brackets [1, p. 15] and in line-by-line numbering, indicating the source number from the list of literature and page, or the article of the standard referred to by the author. Using footnotes are not allowed.

9.      References (for articles in Kazakh and Russian, transliteration of the list of used literature is obligatory)   At the end of the article (in one file) the information to be included in the section «Our authors». (See model below) 


IRSTI 14.35.09

                                              Iskakova A B. 1, Co-Authors2

              1Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

        2Khoja Ahmed Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan

                                                                   ID Orcid

  COMPETENCE-BASED APPROACH IN THE PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF PRIMARY EDUCATION                                                                       TEACHERS


Abstract in the language of publication. Length 100-300 words (Pin 12).

Keywords: word/phrase; word/combination; etc. (Pin 12) 

  • Main provisions (contains 3-5 paragraphs briefly reflecting the main ideas and results of the study)
  • Introduction (relevance, level of elaboration of the problem, purpose and significance of the study).
  • Materials and methods (description of the methods, techniques, materials used, research methodology).
  • Results (results of the work done, tables, graphs, illustrations and links to datasets).
  • Discussion (interpretation and explanation of the data obtained as a result of the study, comparison of the results with the experience of other scientists). (The results and their discussion are the main section of the article. Can be given together.)
  • Conclusion/ Conclusions (contains brief summaries of the sections of the article without repeating the wording given in them )
  • Acknowledgements (The author expresses: gratitude to colleagues for their help, gratitude for financial support of the study in italics, deviation from the conclusion 1.5)

                                         Искакова Ә.Б.1 Бірлескен Авторлар2

                              1 Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті,

                                              Алматы қ., Қазақстан

  2 Қожа Ахмет Ясауи Халықаралық қазақ-түрік университеті, Түркістан қ., Қазақстан

                                                                       ID Orcid



Жарияланатын материал тілінде аңдатпа  мәтіні. Көлемі 100-300 сөз (кегль 12)

Түйін сөздер: сөз / сөз тіркесі; сөз / тіркес; т. б. (кегль 12)

                                                     Искакова А.Б.1, Соавторы2

                             1Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,

                                                        г.Алматы, Казахстан

2Международный казахско-турецкий университет  Ходжи Ахмеда Ясави, г.Туркестан, Казахстан

                                                                  ID Orcid

      КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТНЫЙ ПОДХОД В ПРОФЕССИОНАЛЬНОЙ ПОДГОТОВКЕ УЧИТЕЛЕЙ                                                                      НАЧАЛЬНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ


 Текст аннотации на языке публикуемого материала. Объем 100-300 слов (кегль 12)

Ключевые слова: слово/словосочетание; слово/сочетание; и т.д. (кегль 12)

  References (Pin 12) 

  1. Государственный общеобязательный стандарт дошкольного воспитания и обучения утвержденный приказом МОН РК от 31 октября 2018 № 604
  2. Леонтьев А.Н. Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. 2-е изд., стер. — М.: Смысл, 2005. — С. 304-352

3.Торосян В.Ф., Торосян Е.С. Проблема формирования познавательной самостоятельности личности в образовательном процессе // Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований - 2014. № 11. – С. 259–263

 Information for the section «Our authors»

Искакова Әлия Болатқызы – Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, педагогика ғылымдарының кандидаты, профессор,   

Искакова Алия Болатовна – кандидат педагогических наук, профессор, Казахский национальный педагогический университет имени Абая,  

Iskakova Aliya Bolatovna– Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University,