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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

In this article, in the course of theoretical analysis, the evolution and genesis of the development of family
and moral values are classified into four stages. Content analysis of the concept of «family» in the works of
Kazakh scientists (1975-2015) the presented structure of the concepts of «family», «family and moral values»
is characterized by a philosophical, historical, social, pedagogical and psychological aspect. The definitions of
the concepts «family», «family and moral values» are clarified. Based on the Fund of theoretical and
methodological research, diagnostics was carried out using methods that correspond to the algorithm for
organizing an experiment in the conditions of forming family and moral values of University students. An
experiment was organized to determine the level of theoretical knowledge of students about «family values».
Based on the «values questionnaire» method, a survey was conducted and the results were analyzed.

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How to Cite

Г.Т. Сәдуақасова , С.З. Нишанбаева , А.Т. Туралбаева, . 2021. GENESIS, STRUCTURE OF FAMILY AND MORAL VALUES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 67, 3 (Jun. 2021), 22–33. DOI: