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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2022
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article is devoted to the process of digitalization, which is rapidly developing in the modern information age, expanding at the global level from year to year. In particular, the current state of the level of digital competence of teachers is considered. The role of digital technologies in the education system during the current COVID-19 pandemic is based on its enormous didactic capabilities. This is evidenced by the experience of organizing distance learning in the modern educational process and the possibility of maintaining the continuity of the educational process. The authors analyzed in detail the research work of the near and far abroad on the topic of the study, made their own conclusions, conclusions. In this direction, the concept is concretized and the definition of digital competence is given as the ability of a person to reliably, safely and effectively use information and communication technologies in all spheres of life based on critical choice. It also reveals and characterizes the criteria of digital competence (emotional-volitional, social-communicative, cognitive, activity-based, reflexive-evaluative). The research work is presented, which covered 122 teachers in the national scale and combined the forms of work in offline and online mode, where theoretical, experimental research methods were used Based on the results of research practice, conclusions were formulated concerning topical problems demanded by society in the digital economy, ways to solve them.

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How to Cite

Сардарова Ж.И., Жұмашева Н.С., Мусагалиева Г.Б. , . 2022. DIGITAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS: CURRENT STATE, PROBLEMS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 157–167. DOI: