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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020

The article analyzes the concepts of "competence", "competency", "corporate competence" on the basis
of scientific sources on the basis of definitions, given by domestic and foreign authors. At the present time,
the importance of forming corporate competence among future professionals is actively discussed. Formation
of corporate competence of future professionals - ensures the interaction of future professionals working in
the field of education, with the team, the preservation of corporate culture and value orientations.
Competence is a key indicator of competition among specialists of higher educational institutions, as a
means of determining qualifications and knowledge, as long as a competent specialist plays a key role in the
development of society. Corporate competence contributes to the development of a corporate culture
specialist, his effective interaction with future colleagues and professional development. This article presents
the genesis of the formation of the concept of corporate competence, as well as the multi-level hierarchical
system of corporate culture. Described components of the formation of corporate competence of the future
specialist, and in the final section presented the author's definition of the key concept.

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How to Cite

Р. К.Төлеубекова , Талпакова М. Ж., Т.Р. 2020. GENESIS OF THE CONCEPT "CORPORATE COMPETENCE". BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 30–34. DOI: