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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published August 2020
Atyrau University of Oil and Gas named after S. Utebaev Atyrau State University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov

The philosophy of education is formed on the basis of globalization processes that determine the
development of the world community. Continuing education, taking into account all the objective changes in
the educational sphere and the achievements of various sciences in understanding the role of man in his life,
is an important condition for effective activity in this community. This article discusses the relevance of
using andragogical approaches and principles in the system of continuing education. This is due to new
requirements for the system of training and retraining of personnel in modern conditions, when the goals and
practice of education are outstripping in nature, focused on the training of highly qualified specialists.
Andragogical principles determine the organization of the learning process of teachers and students in the
continuing education system (principles of the priority of self-study of students; the student’s joint activities
with the teacher in organizing the process of their learning; reliance on the experience of the student, used as
one of the sources of training; individualization of instruction; systematic training; contextual learning;
updating learning outcomes; learning electives; development of educational needs of students; mindfulness
learning). The use of andragogical approaches and principles in the system of continuing education in the
future involves the development and implementation of the andragogical model, the use of modern
educational technologies, and the training of andragogical specialists.

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How to Cite

Жалгасова А.А. , Койшигулова Л.Е. , Жубангалиева Г.Г., Ж.А. 2020. ANDRAGOGICAL APPROACHES AND PRINCIPLES IN THE SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 66, 2 (Aug. 2020), 25–30. DOI: