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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences

Model for designing geo-economic competencies of future specialists of pedagogical universities

Published March 2022
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Qualified human resources and scientific base are the most important factors in the age of global competition. This is due to the fact that modern production requires economically literate, competitive, professionally trained specialists from graduates. That’s why, in order to determine the optimal conditions for the economic education of young people, teacher education is faced with the task of changing the entire education system, supplementing it with new content, using new modern methods, innovative methods and tools of educational activities. In order to improve the system, a variety of disciplines and elective courses are being introduced into the educational practice of schools and technical secondary schools that meet the needs of a market economy. In this regard, one of the key tasks of secondary schools is to prepare graduates for full-fledged professional activities.

A full-fledged professional activity includes: the formation of students' mobility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in market conditions; the formation of economic consciousness, the ability to use economic terminology, that is, the formation of economic, including geo-economic competence of the individual.

The article proposes one of the possible approaches for developing a design model to determine the formation of geo-economic competencies of a graduate. The designed model allows assessing the level of competence formation at school and for each educational program implemented by vocational education organizations, and also ensures the development of students' abilities for self-improvement and self-development.



How to Cite

Akylbekov K.A1., Kaimuldionova K.D., Karbayeva Sh.Sh., . 2022. Model for designing geo-economic competencies of future specialists of pedagogical universities. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 7–14. DOI: