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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2022
Karaganda University of the name of academician E. A. Buketov

The article discusses a pedagogical model of the formation of safe behavior of preschool children based on the interaction of a preschool institution and a family. At the heart of this pedagogical modeling lies the answer to a big social question. The purpose of the proposed pedagogical model is to create pedagogical conditions for the formation of safe behavior in preschool children. A necessary condition for effectively familiarizing children with the rules of safe behavior is one of the most effective systems of interaction with parents in solving this problem. Modeling an educational space for a safe life should ensure the interaction of systematic, cultural, environmental, active and student-centered approaches to learning. Currently, research on the formation of a safety culture of preschoolers in the family and in the preschool education system is relevant. Organizations of preschool education focus on the development of children's life experience in the field of life safety, but there is not a single understanding of what and how much to teach, nor the systematization of the accumulated pedagogical experience. Research is needed to determine the role of parents and teachers in the correct and systematic shaping of the behavior of preschool children.

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How to Cite

Бельгибаева Г.К., Жұмкенова Ә.Д., . 2022. the PEDAGOGICAL MODEL OF SAFETY OF LIFE OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 73, 1 (Mar. 2022), 213–226. DOI: