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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published March 2020
Kazakh national pedagogical University named after Abai

The article discusses the integration capabilities that are carried out using synthesis as a result of
obtaining a new system characterized by integrity and higher functionality. It is substantiated that the
versatility, diversity of manifestations of integration has led to the appearance of its numerous
interpretations, which mutually complement and reveal the essence of this concept. The occurrence of the
phenomenon of integration is a natural characteristic of the modern level of development of pedagogical
science and education. The article provides a logical and meaningful analysis of the definitions of the
concept of "integration", as well as an analysis of the trends in the forms of integration in the education
system, analyzes approaches to determining the essence of the concept of "integration" in the educational
process, identifies integrative and pedagogical concepts. The connection of pedagogical science and
pedagogical practice through the connection of the main types of pedagogical knowledge is presented. The
authors conclude that the integration processes without fail lead to the formation of a new whole and at the
same time to the enrichment of the components of integrable components.

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How to Cite

Колумбаева Ш.Ж. , Айтпаева А.К., . 2020. INTEGRATION PROCESSES IN PEDAGOGY AND EDUCATION: ESSENCE, PROBLEMS, SOLUTION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 1, 64 (Mar. 2020), 14–19. DOI: