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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published December 2021
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article deals with the problems of developing cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren through digital resources. The genesis of cognitive abilities is philosophically analyzed and expressed through the categories of mind, attention, thinking, intuition, discourse, etc. Psychologically (attention, perception, memory, thinking, imagination) is presented as a system of rational ways of mental activity, consisting of the processes of perception, assimilation, processing and transfer of knowledge. In pedagogical aspects, creativity in the performance of various tasks is characterized as manifestations, intellectual development in aspirations. Digital educational resources are recognized as a means of developing cognitive abilities. The article will reflect the tools of digital education. Rudolf Amthauer's "interests and needs test" was conducted to determine the levels of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren. The results have been processed. In the formative experiment, the content of the "Cognition" program for the 2nd grade is analyzed. Summarizing the results of the formative experiment, we came to the conclusion that the independent development of cognition in primary school age is one of the urgent problems of modern school. Its relevance is due to the content of training, the designation of the tasks of forming students' methods of self-education, the formation of their active life position. As a result of all the work, generalized conclusions and methodological recommendations on the use of digital resources for the development of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren are given.

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How to Cite

Сайдахметов Б., Фейзулдаева С.А. , Бекжанова Ж., . 2021. DEVELOPMENT OF COGNITIVE ABILITIES OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN THROUGH DIGITAL RESOURCES. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 72, 4 (Dec. 2021), 297–311. DOI: