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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2021
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

The article deals with some issues of the development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. It is based on the definition of essence (diagnostics, historical aspects, developmental problems), type (creative, mathematical, artistic, artistic talent, sports, musical, academic, etc. д.). From a number of philosophical analyses we conclude that the natural traits and natural abilities of people were created by a powerful god. The article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical aspects of creative endowment and offers a content analysis of the concepts of endowment and creative endowment in the works of researchers. The functions of system approach, interdisciplinary approach, individual approach, synergetic approach, reflexive approach to methodological significance of development of creative individuality of young pupils are revealed. Depending on the essence of methodological approaches, the article analyses the main methodological principles. These include: the principle of support and aspiration, the principle of subjectivity, the principle of creativity and success.

This article analyses the process of diagnosing creative talent. A total of 129 students took part in the diagnostics. Diagnostic work was carried out according to A.I. Savenkov's methods "Map of interests of junior grade" (for parents and children), "Description of a pupil" (for teachers in order to systematize ideas about the development of gifted children), the technique of general assessment of talent (for parents and teachers), "Talent map" (for parents). The results of its statistical analysis are presented.

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How to Cite

Zhanabaуeva K.K. , Sanay G.E. , Yerimova A.Zh. . 2021. DIAGNOSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREATIVE TALENT IN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 71, 3 (Oct. 2021), 180–190. DOI: