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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2020

The article deals with the problem of increasing the level of competence of teachers associated with the use of digital educational technologies in the educational process of the school by organizing advanced training courses. Effective digital educational technologies for organizing distance learning are also described.

The formation of digital competence is possible in the process of implementing educational programs of higher education, as well as professional development and professional training programs. The authors, based on the analysis of empirical data obtained during the survey of current teachers and future teachers - students of the pedagogical direction on the use of distance educational technologies in the educational process, identify problems and difficulties in using digital technologies, types of competence improvement for the successful implementation of distance learning.

Based on the analysis of ICT competence in the field of education, the authors developed a program of a professional development course on the topic "Kashyktyktan okytudagi tsifrlyk bilim beru technologiyalary" and conducted teacher training. The survey revealed the degree of readiness and desire of teachers to use digital tools and services in the educational process. This suggests the need for further development of the organization of effective online communication of participants in the educational process, productive feedback with students using digital technologies; forming a critical assessment of students 'behavior and correcting their actions when working in a digital educational environment, monitoring the independence of students' performance of educational tasks; using the potential of digital tools and services in organizing group work and project activities of schoolchildren, and others.

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How to Cite

Майлыбаева Г.С, Жолтаева Г.Н, Калдияров Д.А., Мейрамбек Ә.М., Сарсекулова Д.М., . 2020. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF DISTANCE LEARNING AT SCHOOL. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 71, 3 (Oct. 2020), 143–154. DOI: