This article presents the theoretical aspects of the formation of speech culture of younger schoolchildren through educational dialogue and the content of diagnostic work to determine the initiallevel of formation of speech culture of youngerschoolchildren.Thecontent of the concepts of «dialogue»,«educationaldialogue»,«culture of speech» is analyzed from a philosophical, psychological and pedagogical point of view. The philosophical meaning expresses the communication of talking people, the order of understanding and internal culture,and the psychological meaning is expressedin the features of planning, patience, stable emotional behavior, thinking abilities, attention, feelings, imagination, pedagogically, the student checks whether he has correctly assessed a particular phenomenon, whether he is reasoning correctly, the article analyzes in detail, does he evaluate his capabilities, does he notice in a properly constructed dialogue (the image of the hero, the situation, the time).
The empirical section analyzes the content of diagnostic workson the study of the speech culture of younger schoolchildren and the identification of their difficulties, as well as the experimental determination of the level of formation of the speechculture of 3rd grade students in elementary grades. In accordance with the goals and objectives of the diagnostic work, 122 students of the 3rd grade of primary school participatedin the experimental study inexperimental (62 students) and control (60 students) groups, the indicators of which were presentedin the form of a tableand a histogram. A statistical analysis was carried out.