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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published October 2020
Таразский региональный университет имени М,Х.Дулати

. Alimbayeva S.K., Smatova K.B., Mazhibayev A.K.

Advisor to the Rector, candidate of sociological sciences


The article presents the results of a sociological study of the development of media education in secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors note that in modern conditions, media literacy plays an essential role in the education system. Such important objects of media pedagogy research as: clip thinking of schoolchildren, the influence of gadgets on the learning process, media socialization, cybersecurity, distorted reality, manipulation of public consciousness become topical issues. These processes have an impact on the younger generation and their parents, and, therefore, requires study. The study was conducted as part of a sociological survey of subjects of the educational process – students, their parents and teachers, with a sample of 16,357 respondents, including students – 4,860, parents – 7,919, teachers – 3,578 people. The study of the processes of media pedagogy development has shown that there is a need to ensure not only the success of students ' socialization, but also the development of media literacy, ensuring cybersecurity, the use of psychological and pedagogical support for students, as well as the use of digital resources of the educational environment for self-realization and further professional self-determination. The development of media pedagogy ensures the successful social development of the individual in modern conditions.

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How to Cite

Алимбаева С.К. , Сматова К.Б., Мажибаев А.К., . 2020. STUDYING THE PROCESSES OF MEDIA PEDAGOGY DEVELOPMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF KAZAKHSTAN. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 71, 3 (Oct. 2020), 14–25. DOI: