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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2024
D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan technical university

The article provides a theoretical description of the concept of “non-formal education” based on the study of modern scientific discussions and world experience generalization. The article substantiates the necessity of introducing the principles of non-formal education into traditional education system: ensuring free academic activity, expanding learning options and trajectories, personality enrichment and development, forming a sustainable need for constant replenishment of knowledge and formation of new competencies. Adaptability to rapidly changing conditions of life and professional activity will allow specialists to be successfully fulfilled in all spheres of life which is the purpose of non-formal education. The article shows the main components of non-formal education and options for its implementation in the system of higher education. A model of non-formal education which includes such elements as student - university - environment has been developed. Requests that form the necessity of non-formal education from the point of view of each participant of the model have been described. Some ways to introduce non-formal education are shown on the example of NPJSC “D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University”. The article’s scientific and practical relevance lies in a holistic presentation of scientific and educational potential of non-formal education and mechanisms for creating such educational environment that facilitates personally self-organization and self-development.

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How to Cite

Кульгильдинова T.A., Сурова Д.С., Сарсембаева А.А. . 2024. NON-FORMAL EDUCATION IN THE CONTEXT OF MODERN TRENDS. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2024), 36–48. DOI: