This article examines the problem of controlling students' activity on social networks, taking into account the culture of communication on social networks and digital etiquette. Network-communicative culture is considered as a system of norms, rules and values governing interaction in a network environment. Special attention is paid to the avoidance of abuse, the spread of misinformation and honesty and respect for information published by other people. The article also examines the problem of digital etiquette, including the rules of self-regulation in the online environment and responsibility for the consequences of one's actions in the online environment. The relevance and necessity of monitoring students' activity on social networks are studied, as well as methods and means of monitoring are analyzed. The authors of the article conducted surveys on "The impact of online communication on students' personal qualities" and "Students' attitude to online communication culture and digital etiquette". With the help of сайтов , , , . Instagram Facebook, Youtube, etc., and social media activity of students were evaluated. As a result of the monitoring, the advantages and disadvantages of effective use of students' activity on social networks in the context of the educational process were revealed.
Keywords: network-communicative culture, digital etiquette, social networks, monitoring, learning process, monitoring tools, monitoring methods.