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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2024
Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata

The article deals with the issues of professional training of future teachers. At the same time, the relevance of regulatory documents adopted in the republic of kazakhstan is analyzed. The problems of training specialists in the field of digitalization of education, the goals of updating the content of education and the role of the teacher in the digitalization of education, as well as the goals and objectives of the elective courses “Digital Technologies in Education” and “Pedagogical Design of a Digital Educational Environment” introduced into the educational process of the university are identified. The importance of teaching these disciplines to all pedagogical specialties in the field of education is described. Teacher training in the conditions of digitalization of education also requires changes in content and teaching methods. It is necessary to pay more attention to practical exercises, including using virtual educational environments, and take into account the individual characteristics and needs of future teachers when forming the curriculum.

Analysis of the research results showed that the use of digital educational resources really contributes to the development of cognitive independence among students. Moreover, it has been noted that digital educational resources have several advantages that make them particularly useful for learning. In particular, digital educational resources are accessible to most students, making them convenient to use anywhere and anytime. In addition, they have interactivity and the ability to individually customize training in accordance with the level of knowledge and needs of the student

Overall, the professional training of future teachers in the conditions of digitalization of education is an important factor for improving the quality of education and successful adaptation to the rapidly changing demands of the modern world.

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How to Cite

Усенова Г.С., Майгельдиева Ш.М., Диуанова Р.К. , . 2024. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING OF FUTURE TEACHERS IN CONDITIONS OF DIGITALIZATION OF EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2024), 193–204. DOI: