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BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences


Published June 2024
Kazakh national women's teacher training university

In the article, the authors analyzed the issue of forming computer literacy for senior preschool children in ad-ditional education. A characteristic of the concept of «computer literacy» is given. Studies of foreign and Kazakh authors on the studied problem, were analyzed.

The typical curriculum of Preschool Education and Training of the Republic of Kazakhstan (approved by dated October 14, 2022 No. 422) and it is determined that in the educational direction «Formation of socio-emotional skills», the section «Familiarization with the outside world», in the item «Subject world» note the following « expand the idea of the surrounding objects, their properties and purpose... to have an idea of ​the purpose of the phone, computer, TV and some elementary rules for their use». The characteristics of methods and techniques of computer literacy formation are given. The Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2024 was analyzed, where one of the priority areas is «Ensuring the development of the infrastructure of preschool and secondary education organizations, taking into account accessibility for children with special educational needs, technological renewal and digitalization»: «The network of organizations for preschool and additional education of children will be expanded, including within the framework of placing a state order» and by 2025 the share of preschool organizations using innovative author's programs for implementation will be 90%.

The authors present the components, criteria, indicators and levels of computer literacy of senior preschool children. Diagnostic methods were applied. Conversation-reasoning «What is this computer and for us?», Work with the drawings «Rules for working with a computer», the results of the stating stage of the experiment are given.

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How to Cite

Байназарова Т.Б., Сүлейхан С.М.,Тайтелиева Л.Р.,Cерікова О.С. . 2024. TO THE ISSUE OF COMPUTER LITERACY OF PRESCHOOLERS IN ADDITIONAL EDUCATION. BULLETIN Series of Pedagogical Sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2024), 372–381. DOI: